self consciousness

Consciousness Is the most mysterious thing to the human race; we do not have a single scientific explanation yet it controls our entire beings. This is the main force behind religion and spirituality; explaining what cannot be explained.

In this self-portrait project, I work with my various selves through the different realms: physical, mental & emotional, and the spiritual, to visualize my connection to myself, and the larger universe. Light play and manipulation is the driving formal element to this project as well as conceptual. Light is almost equally as mysterious as consciousness but we have begun to figure out it’s basic physics. It is both an energetic wave and a still photon; everything else recorded in the universe is one or the other. It is also the presence of all colors. With light’s metaphysics and my belief that all life is intrinsically connected, I use various lighting and post-processing photo manipulation techniques to visualize universal interconnectedness that is reflected between my inner and highest selves. .